BYoung Barbell - Our CrossFit Speciality Clinic

Our Apex location is designed to help the CrossFit athlete. The demands of CrossFit place load through every joint and muscle group, and require the balance of both mobility and stability. If you have poor body mechanics, poor mobility, or do not allow your body the optimal recovery, you may be setting yourself up for injury. 

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy and a USA Weightlifting coach, Dr. Erin Koenke is trained to detect errors in lift form and movement patterns to find the source of your pain, minimize the risk of injury, and encourage proper performance of the required skill. 


Our goal at BYoung Physical Therapy is to find that proper balance between recovery and sport. We will work with you to allow you to stay at the gym but enhance your ability to recover and to tolarate the demands of the sport. 

Your goals are our goals. Through skilled and focused assessment and treatment, we strive to find the root of your problem, get you feeling better fast, and get you back to the gym. 

The evaluation process: 

Some pain can be driven by CrossFit; others can purely be exacerbated by it but caused by other activities perfomed throughout the day. With that being said, we look at the whole person, not just the athlete. During a typical assessment, we will look at your mobility, flexbility, strength and functional movement. In the process of dissecting out the source of your pain, we will look at your lift form to determine if that is contributing to your pain as well. We treat low back, shoulder, elbow, wrist, neck, midback/rib, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain. 

With the wide range of movement that are performed in CrossFit, it can be challenging to determine the source of your pain. We are here to help you with that. Whether it is related to your squat form, volume of burpees, or the weight of your deadlift, we can help you find the source of your pain and address it to get you back to what you love to do. 

Call today for your specialized CrossFit evaluation